Monday, September 30, 2019

Purpose of The Daily News

What is the purpose of the daily news?Many will answer and say that the news is there to inform the public, but is that really their purpose. Most of the news that is shown on television is shown in less than two to three-minute segments; a person cannot become informed on certain topics in that little amount of time. The three-minute segments of news that are displayed on television only give the viewer a watered down version of information from a biased point of view. When a person watches the news one can see that many of images shown are negative towards a certain subject. The viewer may not see it but the shocking or exciting images being displayed constantly on the daily news must have some greater purpose than to inform the viewer. The greater purpose is to provoke public interest and excitement; this provocation of public interest an excitement through the use of exciting or shocking images, stories, and language is called news sensationalism. Many people think they are being informed by the news but what they do not realize is that it is not always enlightening, as it should be, but it is instead very captivating. Through the use of sensationalism the news that is displayed on television everyday impacts and influences a person by showing them negative images, using â€Å"buzz† words, providing one-sided information, and by restricting boundaries of information.What types of images are displayed daily on the news?Tune into the news and the first image that are shown are images on something negative like murder, war, violence, and death. News stations display these types of negative images in order to acquire your attention. Negative images on the news grab people's attention because they rarely happen in a person's life. People are attracted to negative images of violence and death because they find them fascinating. These negative images are fascinating because many people have not experienced them first hand; there exists less violence and death now than in any other time in human history. Humans are creatures who have evolved over time from a civilization of violence and death to one that has become more sophisticated and educated. Therefore, when images of violence and death are displayed on television they show people a part of the human past that was more violent. This shows that humans have some type wickedness inside them because if they did not humans would not sit in front of their television watching news on people's death. Now when horrible events occur in this world people can see it on the news, therefore, one can say that human beings have become desensitized to negative images because they are being shown constantly in a continual loop. Consequently, the negative images of violence and death may be showed on the news in order to remind humans of their violent past and to show that these events do occur in real life. In addition, the negative images help people manage with their current situations by showing them that their lives are not so bad and could be much worse. The continual loop of negative images reflects that society likes the negative because it reminds humans of their fascination for violence and helps people cope with their current situations. The news media use â€Å"buzz† words constantly in their news and headlines to capture a viewer's attention in order to instill fear and make profit. â€Å"Buzz† words, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, are type of words or phrases that usually sound important or technical and are used primarily to impress people without knowledge in a particular subject (â€Å"buzzword†). First off when a news station tries to grab the viewers attention they usually use the headline â€Å"We just got breaking news,† this phrase immediately captures a person's attention because one does not know what to expect. After that phrase is said some type of â€Å"buzz† word usually follows it immediately because people will not know about the subject since it is breaking news. For example, when 9/11 occurred it was breaking news and president Bush followed right after the attack with a small speech. In that speech president Bush used the â€Å"buzz† words terrorism, bombing, and extremism because they sounded technical to the situation. President Bush's words captured the people's attention and impressed them so much that they were instilled with fear and eventually lead to the war in Iraq. Moreover, by obtaining people's attention through the use of â€Å"buzz† words news stations draw more views, which in turn allows them to get higher ratings and make profit. News stations make profit by selling airtime to commercials, so a news station with a lot of viewers will make a great quantity of money. Therefore, â€Å"buzz† words are used more now than ever before because using them allows news stations to instill fear and gather more viewers which amounts to more profit. When people watch the news they tend to trust the information they are getting because many people are lazy to go searching for information on their own, as a result the news seems real and authentic but in reality the news merely provides biased information. The news provides one-sided information because it is in the news stations best interest to do so; being biased allows news stations to attract specific types of viewers. By attracting a specific type of viewer it allows news stations to push a distinct viewpoint. For example, Fox news is a conservative media outlet that attracts conservatives, while MSNBC is liberal media outlet that attracts liberals. They each have their different point of view but they cater to people who have the same view as them. Therefore, when people watch the news on one of these networks they shall only be informed on one side of the argument. This also shows something about the viewers; it shows that the viewers only watch specific news networks in order to reinforce their side of the argument. Every human has their own one-sided view when it comes to specific subjects, so in order to prove that their view is right to individuals they have to reinforce their biased view in some way and that way is through the news (Eveland). For example, when a person thinks of a Muslim they usually think of a person who is a terrorist and from the Middle East. Their belief on what a Muslim person is was reinforced by the news coverage on 9/11. This gave many people biased views on what type of people are terrorists; the news coverage gave Americans the false perception that all Muslim people must be terrorists that hail from the Middle East. Therefore, most of the biased views that come from the news can be attributed to the viewer's self-centered ideology that they have to be right because the news intention is only to give viewers what they want to hear. In essence, the daily news that is shown is always biased because different media outlets want to attract and give specific viewers what they want.   News stations have created restricted boundaries so that people don't searching for information outside of them.One must first ask what are those restricted boundaries?These restricted boundaries are the information that is not shown to the public. National governments hold many secrets and if they were to be exposed by the news to the citizens many of them would feel betrayed. If people could not trust their government they would most likely rebel so in order to keep their trust the government works behind the scenes controlling what is shown on the news. Many governments do this by regulating the media through the use of money by either fining the news companies or allowing them to be tax exempt. Therefore the news can be used to keep people under control and manipulate them. For example, the media coverage on the 9/11 terrorist attacks was used to manipulate American citizens to go to war with Iraq even though Iraq had nothing do with it. President Bush's administration manipulated â€Å"evidence† on the news so that he could get Americans citizens to agree with him to invade Iraq (Hutchinson). Everyone in America at that time was so focused on revenge that no one dared question the information that was provided on the news. At that time it was a restricted boundary to question whether the war in Iraq was just; everyone just assumed it was justifiable after what had happened. It was not until many years later that Americans went outside the restricted boundary to uncover the truth about why they had invaded Iraq. The news was and continues to be manipulated so that people never search for information outside of restricted boundaries because what they might find may not be what they were shown. The news original intention was to inform the public and provide accurate information. It has changed drastically through the use of news sensationalism. Negative images are now shown so constantly in a continual loop that humans have become attracted to them, which in turn, has helped people cope with their current living situations. â€Å"Buzz† words have also gone on the rise because they have enticed more viewers, which have helped news stations instill fear into people and make more profit. Information on the news has now become biased in order to cater to certain types of people because viewers now only want to reinforce that they are right and justified in their opinions. Restricted boundaries have also been created by the news so that viewers do not go searching for information outside of them because many people may find out that they have been manipulated in some way by the news that was presented to them. To sum it up, the daily news that is presented now is not what it used to be; it is now a tool used by media outlets to distort the truth.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Effects of Eastern Religions Essay

Eastern religions and their unique belief systems are transforming many social and religious thoughts into an assortment of means for acquiring and developing innovative and contemporary spiritual growth. One of the more influential shifts in mixing religious traditions into western religious cultures may well be considered ritualistic applications, acceptance, and practicing of meditation. Freely borrowing the principles of eastern religious traditions allows an individual extended opportunity to open a connection with his or her chosen God, or Supreme Being, by developing positive emotions, and providing a mental calmness; mean while establishing an acute mental strength within oneself. This practice of clearing the mind, projects an unfragmented focus into the inner self and ones mental intuitiveness, enabling a sharpness and keen ability to stimulate mental alertness, and even suggesting the possibility for mental self-healing. With such widened expressions of religious flexibility, an improved and more comprehensive understanding of diverse truths of belief systems are capable of being discovered. Additionally, through the use of multiple religious observances, one can bear witness to how such effects of Hinduism and Buddhist traditions of meditation, has transformed and enhanced traditional rituals in western religious cultures. Even medicinal benefits can be achieved through the use of advanced breathing techniques, energy practices, and other mental, and physical stimulus. The following synopsis will demonstrate the effects of how ancient beliefs and traditions have produced influences of varying proportions on western civilization. Many eastern religions play an important role in modern medicine. In the past, western medicine has incorporated eastern medicine paralleling different sacred rituals. Many Eastern religions have given birth to a medical practice of their own; one such example includes Taoism. Taoism believes in studying nature and how man is affected by its healing effects. From this adherence to medicinal belief rose the practice of acupuncture, which consists of generating a â€Å"flow of energy,† and how those flows affect the body (Articles base, 2007). Acupuncture, another form of medicinal equivalency, has currently attracted attention and notoriety world-wide. Those who have experienced this sensation have claimed that it leaves one with a feeling of exhilaration. A study conducted by the Stanford University School of Medicine, who promotes acupuncture as having medicinal value, supports its true worth by assisting with such anxieties and medical dilemmas as depression during pregnancy. According to Rachel Manber, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral science, stated â€Å"They hope the results will raise awareness of the problem of depression during pregnancy and provide patients and physicians and alternative to antidepressants† (Manber, 2010). As acupuncture has become popular among western cultures, other configurations of spiritual healing have surfaced, for example meditation and yoga. Through mediation, Siddhartha Gautama, otherwise known as Buddha, was the first person to experience full spiritual enlightenment, primarily due to the deliberate techniques applied. Several ways that meditation can be performed come in everyday tasks such as reading, walking, swimming, and working out. â€Å"From meditation we learn to observe the sensation in the body, which are certainly related to the mind† (Fisher, 2003). Yoga is another practice that the spiritual seeker uses today in meeting the goal to receive purity, wisdom, and peacefulness of mind (Fisher, 2003). The influence of Hinduism is apparent throughout western civilizations and societies. The effects that this has had on the lifestyle and beliefs of most modern Indian are clear. One of the main influences that have roots with Hinduism is in the practice of yoga. Yoga has become extremely popular in the west in the last several decades. Through deep breathing and mediation techniques, the exercise brings a deeper meaning within one’s self. Yoga mediation is not a separate component, but rather a distinct application of meditation. Aside from relaxing and clearing ones thoughts, there is a popular belief that yoga is an all encompassing tool to become physically fit when in fact, this is hardly the case. Yoga meditation is a complete process to â€Å"finding oneself. † Hindu belief in practicing yoga is predestined to guide one to absolute, pure, and eternal bliss, therefore, allowing a person to become wise, wholesome, and peaceful. The practice is one of six schools of Hindu philosophy, in which, there can be found, 196 different sutras of yoga. Each one has different forms of attaining balance, purity, wisdom, and eventually spiritual enlightenment, the essential goal. The first of many types of yoga begins with Raja Yoga. This form of yoga deals mainly with the cleansing of the mind, and is designed to build, develop and sustain a strong mental state through discipline and purification. The way to maintain this state is to have superior health, mental, physical strength and stamina. Furthermore, yoga with such virtuous beliefs, may prove that a pure lifestyle will help in attaining this state of being. Some of the methods used are through abstaining from any influences that would detract from living a pure life such as intoxicant, while also practicing celibacy. Another significant component of yoga is jnana yoga. jnana yoga cultivates four behaviors toward reaching the development of spiritual deliverance. The first is viveka, the ability to understand what is definite and eternal, and what is temporary. Another element of jnana yoga is vairagya. This ritual is intended to acquire an ability to remove oneself from that which is temporary, therefore preparing for the eternal life. The third state of jnana is shad-sampat, in which a person is in full control of his or her mind, a perfect state of concentration and calmness. The fourth state is mumukshutva, a condition that releases a person from his or her temporary state and allows freedom into the eternal state of being. Each of the four sections of Jnana is a preparation toward eternal bliss, and in the end, desiring to reach nirvana. An additional, more precise version of yoga, is Karma, a belief in actions. The meaning of Karma is to do and have done, seeking to have a person behave and act in way that brings one closer to one’s duty, which is to act in an unselfish manner, and to bring peace, calmness and tranquility, with every action one takes. The fourth type of yoga is Bhakti, an instrument of yoga that brings a person closer to God. Within this Practice are nine principles that help a person achieve this state. Although there are various types of yoga, they all parallel each other with the goal of helping to bring a person closer to a divine state with his or her God. Each of the diverse practices of yoga described is a part of modern India, and the influences from Hinduism are apparent in each one. The importance of yoga and Hinduism in India is a large part that is accepted by the society in accordance with the belief system. The following of Yoga is not only practiced in India, but has also brought the attention to many westerner civilizations. Yoga is not a religion, but more as a means of overcoming the hectic demands of family, work, and life. Practicing yoga gives mental balance as well as a means to optimize health and well being. The effects of yoga and meditation have been proven, and positive results in aiding and nurturing the treatment of learning disabilities, nursing homes, and treatment of alcoholism, well documented. This rich culture of ancient Hinduism has had many historical changes, challenges, and an influence is currently seen on a global scale. Zen Buddhism migrated to the United States around the 19th century. Since then, the religion has adapted to the western way of life, and has helped to evolve the religion. â€Å"As Westerners themselves are taking strong interest in Buddhism, those who have grown up as Buddhist are reassessing their religion and finding new depths in it† (Fisher, 2003, p. 182). Buddhist monasteries and retreats have emerged all throughout the United States. From the 19th century, Buddhism has helped many American’s learn to function as valued members in society by following the meditation and Zen teachings of the religion. â€Å"Buddhism gained a foothold among a significant number of Western intellectuals and particularly during the 1960s and early ‘70s among young people seeking new forms of religious experience and expression† (Britannica, p. 2 ). Although the religion thrived during the 60s and 70s, the active Buddhist today is no longer the young, free loving individuals seen in the past. Most modern day believers include parents, and families. Parents can bring their children to daycare at the same time as the parents go to rooms to chant and meditate. â€Å"As more Buddhist mediation centers make their homes in the suburbs, reflecting the spread of that ancient religion throughout the United States, many are adapting to American ways† (Orr, ’98, p. 2). Buddhists of today can go to retreats for weekend sessions or year long-hiatus. These retreats are not vacations because the religion is taken seriously among most practicing Americans. Some may credit Japanese scholar D. T Suzuki (1870-1966) for bringing Buddhism to the United States, although others say it was due in part to the Chinese conquest in Tibet around 1959. Either way, there are many temples that began construction by Tibetan monks that came to the United States for refuge. â€Å"A number of the highest Tibetan lamas, forced out of Tibet, have established spiritual communities in the United States, complete with altars full of sacred Tibetan artifacts† (Fisher, 2003 p. 178). However, along with the sacred artifacts come some differences. Most Buddhist temples do not have weekly services, but in the US, services are typically held on Sundays. A Buddhist service is normally performed in the Japanese or Chinese language, but in the US the services are predominately conducted in English. The leaders of the US temples still follow the traditional teachings, but customize it to reach out to more people in the United States. In modern day communist China, religion is viewed much differently from most places in society today. Shortly after becoming a communist state, many religions, religious practices, and texts were destroyed and suppressed. In fact, most Taoism and Buddhism temples and texts were destroyed in China during the 1960s and 70s (Fisher, 2003). Since then China has become more westernized and recently have adopted a free market economy changing much of China’s communist ways including some religious ideals. China has even declared Taoism and Buddhist temples as historical sites and promotes building of new temples. Although this move by the government was made to promote tourism alone (Fisher, 2003). Religion today is still kept in hiding and many traditions are discouraged. Any new religion is seen as a treat to the state and is quickly suppressed, sometimes violently. After communist China titled Confucianism as an old way and discarded it from society, parts of Confucianism are now being re-introduced back into everyday life. China was once known as one of the safest, criminal free countries in the world (Fisher, 2003). From the time when China opened its doors to the western society and to a free market, criminal activities began to rise. No longer were communist ideals keeping people from committing such crimes. The government therefore, began to bring back teachings of Confucianism to schools and society for morale and ethical purposes, to help control such criminal behaviors. The teachings of being the best person possible and the best person to society, teachings of social harmony, and a personal sense of the meaning of life started to become very popular among communist Chinese society. China has even tried to fuse both the ideas of capitalism and Confucian together to make a â€Å"Capitalist Confucianism† (Fisher, 2003). Of course, even events such as recognizing Confusion’s birthday was re-introduced for economic reasons. The government does keep all religious aspects of Confucianism at bay, along with the idea of free thought. Though, many intellectuals and scholars are trying to fight for freedom of thought. They argue free thought would help improve the economy even more at this time while there is a free market. Even religious practices such as meditation are starting to make a comeback in modern day communist China. Meditation is seen as a spiritual practice for people who follow Taoism and Buddhism in China and also seen as a practice to relieve stress and to relax much like it is seen in western society for others. Since 1995 there have been many experiments on the benefits of meditation in China. Particularly types of meditation known as integrative body–mind training (IBMT) created in the 1990s have been the focus of these studies. IBMT is a type of meditation that teaches a person about a state of calm and focus without the spiritual side of meditation. This type of meditation is said to improve emotional and cognitive performance and social behavior (Posner, 2007). Recent studies have proven that IBMT not only helps improve one’s focus and performance, but also helps a person deal with stress, tension, anger, depression, and fatigue. It also improved those people’s energy levels and made those same people have a more positive outlook on a day-to-day basis. This all come from just a five day course, two hours a day, of IBMT group practices. So meditation in Chinese culture is not only seen to help benefit one’s mental part of life, but also helps make a person become a better person too him or herself and society both mentally and physically. With the resonating effects of eastern religion throughout the western world, social and political lives have been influenced in a variety of ways. A general open-mindness for allowing more opportunities for spiritual growth is becoming an ever-changing cause for overcoming overly rational and extreme traditions of the many religious belief systems in existence today. The availability of technology has also become instrumental in exploration of other belief systems, therefore making them within easier reach for adaptation, offering combined religious values and rituals into one belief system. With such ease of exploration, courtesy of the Internet and widespread mobility, the range of information can enable seekers to learn about other religious traditions, therefore providing diverse individual religious expression (Guarino, 2009). Some Christian leaders however, worry that there may an increase in distractions from worshiping their true path of faith, therefore diluting Christian doctrines. Regardless of ancestral belief systems or modern paradigm paralysis, the mixtures of religions and cultures will continue the spread into western civilizations and societies

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Rome Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Rome - Assignment Example They appointed numerous leading reformers to the cardinal’s college, started reform of the central administrative apparatus found in Rome, approved the founding of Jesuits, and convoked the Trent council which met occasionally from 1545 to 1563. The council succeeded in starting several administrative reforms and far-ranging ethics which was meant to set the tone and define the shape of Roman Catholicism. The subject matter of Annibale was the classic style. During his time he was seen as one of the main key painters to revive the classical style. He was able to incorporate revolutionary realism and classical reissuance art. It took place on august, 410. The Visigoth attacked the city, led by Alaric. During that time, Rome was not the capital city of the western Rome Empire, since Ravenna had took that position in 402. However, the city of Rome sustained a paramount rank as the eternal city and the center of the spiritual empire. 9. San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane by Borromini relies on a lively interplay of concave and convey walls that make it a Baroque masterpiece. Do you agree? Yes I agree, since the renaissance drew the power and wealth from there. Mosaic is an art of forming images by grouping small pieces of colored stones or glass. The oldest popular mosaic comes from 8th BC. They were made from pebbles. The Greek manufacturers enhanced this technique. The oldest examples of mosaic that are made from various materials were found at a temple in Abra, Mesopotamia. She was the daughter of Vanozza and Pope Alexander VI. She had three brothers Giovanni, Cesare and Gioffre. Her family arranged many marriages for her to powerful men in order to advance their political ambitions. Catacombs are underground cemetery. The early Christian built them during the first centuries of the Christian church. The roman permitted the Christian to bury their dead in the catacombs. Hence,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Design Management Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design Management Research Report - Essay Example Mostly we focused on qualitative and quantitative research on our client company, and conducted competitor analysis to get a better understanding of the client company and the industry. Furthermore, we adopted Psychographic research about the company’s value, color theory, and competitor analysis to get insight into the problems of current company’s logo and strategies. In addition, we carried out case studies to find out how other companies successfully approached similar projects and how they obtained the best results. Project overview- According to the 2010 annual report of Invest Toronto, the logo is â€Å"The fresh, modern and energetic branding that will serve and invest as well as the story teller for our vibrant city.† However, we found that the logo has heavily focused on visualizing the city of the company rather than express the company’s values or objectives. A logo for a brand represents and distinguishes itself from others as an image, and th e right corporate identification makes it easier for the company to achieve its business objectives. The right consumer experience with a corporate identity helps them to choose the company when it comes down to a decision. Therefore, setting up a clear and positive corporate identity especially for a company in its earliest stages of development, such as Invest Toronto is very important. To achieve this, the company requires a corporate identity that reflects its value, ethics, future and principles, and one that gives a strong positive visual experience of the company. Since among the company’s objectives and roles is attracting foreign companies to Invest Toronto, the logo should be understood by people from different cultures and give a positive image to them as well. We also conducted research on the client company, and found that there was lack of consistency in terms of brand identity. The use of different background logo colors in different social media might confuse viewers and alleviate planting of a clear visual representation of company to its audiences. Thus, when creating a corporate identity, there should be a strong, clear branding system and marketing strategies that expose the company to the public more. Description of the client company Invest Toronto is the primary business, sales and marketing corporation for the City of Toronto and was organized by Toronto City Council in September 2008, Invest Toronto's initial Directors Board was confirmed by Toronto City Council on February 24, 2009. There are fifteen board of directors since the company is at the starting stages it has about thirty employees are under Renato Discenza the CEO and President of Invest Toronto. The city is the sole shareholder of Invest Toronto and the former has set up the business objectives for the company, which corresponded to its interests. Precedents/ case studies 1British Columbia Lottery Corporation: The rebranding of the British Columbia Lottery Corporati on in 2011 was one of the most recent successful rebranding measures similar to the rebranding of Invest Toronto, since British Colombia Lottery Corporation is closely connected to Provincial Government of British Colombia since its establishment. Considering the requirement of understanding gambling industry, the advertising agency, Cossette, had to look into the Government, media, and public review to fulfill the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Management of tricyclic antidepressant overdose Essay

Management of tricyclic antidepressant overdose - Essay Example The major use of the drugs belonging to this class has been of course as an antidepressant, but they have also found to be effective in controlling enuresis and attention deficit disorder in children and incontinence in the elderly. Other miscellaneous indications for use are Migraine, chronic pain, neuralgias, hiccups and irritable bowel syndrome. However the Therapeutic Index of these drugs has a narrow margin of safety i.e. the dose level between therapeutic and toxic level is very less. This accounts for several cases of adverse effects and acute toxicity with these compounds. The toxicity is due to the same manner and mechanism of action in which the drug exerts its therapeutic action. Although poorly understood, the TCAs are hypothesized to exert their therapeutic action by preventing the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin by the presynaptic neuron. This results in an increased supply of these neurotransmitters in the synapse, which continues to stimulate the effector cells and organs. It is this constant stimulation that is believed to be responsible for the clinical improvement in depression (Baldessarini, 1989). According to Richelson (1982) TCAs are also competitive antagonists of histamine H1 andH2 receptors. They also block muscarinic acetylcholine and alpha-one adrenergic receptors. The toxicity symptoms and presentations are manifested as central nervous system toxicity in the form of myoclonic seizures, cardiovascular complications like life threatening arrhythmias, asystole, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. The patient is usually presented with symptoms of orthostatic hypotension which is quite common with TCA use and is independent of the age factor and in some cases is followed by cardiac arrest. Treatment is aimed at reversing the effects of the TCAs by specific antagonists, promoting elimination of the drug and its metabolites from the body and reestablishing

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Are experiences of childhood culturally unique Essay

Are experiences of childhood culturally unique - Essay Example More specifically, the study will focus on cross-cultural examples of childhood experiences. Childhood depends on the environment and the culture where a child grows; different cultures handle their children in extremely different ways. The physical environment alters the games that children play. For example, children who live in the arctic countries cannot play outdoor games during winter. As such, they must learn how to play outdoor games (Fergus 2009, p. 257). On the contrary, those children who grow in the tropics enjoy a whole year of outdoor games and play because of the friendly tropic weather. Differences in technological advancement and the schooling system alter the childhood years of many children across cultures of the world (Fergus 2009, p. 258). Children living in the 21st century experience different childhood from those who lived in the 19th century. Therefore, the past is a strange country where things were done differently from the present. Countless transformations and alterations have taken place in the lives of children; due to changes in ways that parents treat their children and understanding of the general public on issues that concern children (Cross 1997, p. 50). Today, children do not have many responsibilities, and play characterizes their life instead of work. Further, majority of the children spend their days in school receiving formal education, but not working in the mines or farms for wages (Carol & Melvin 2003, p.777). Today, children spend their Childhood life within the family context instead of public life and children no longer produce, but they depend on their parents for upkeep and nourishment. In the recent past, it was legally and socially acceptable for a child to work in the factory. However, if this happens today, social workers will intervene to save the child, and this will bring serious legal penalties to the owner of the factory and the parents of that child (Carol &

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 38

Essay Example According to him, natural laws are governed by the fact that man needs to fight for his survival. It is natural for man to seek peace in his life but if he gets into conflict with others due to competition, diffidence and glory, then he has the right to defend himself in order to restore his peace. With competition, he fights for gain, with diffidence, he fights for safety and with glory, he fights for his own reputation. Thus, although he seeks peace and knows he deserves it without hurting anybody, if he is threatened of such peace, then he can wage war in order to get his peace back. Hobbes also contends that a person’s rights, when renounced or transferred to others, are entered into social contracts, such as when people entrust their rights to a ruler. This means that all persons must mutually agree to transfer their right to a political sovereign or in Hobbes’ term, the state of Leviathan. It is also agreed that this state punishes violators of the agreement to ob ey the laws of society. The ruler’s power should come from the natural right of people to live in peace. Similarly, Locke believes that man is governed by natural law, but goes further in saying that it is the manifestation of human reason which restricts the egoism of pure self-interest such as having one’s individual peace and liberty, and promoting more sociable benefits. Locke proposes that man has three basic natural rights: to life, liberty and property. When people entrust a leader to these, it should not be absolute but only partial. Rulers are also vulnerable to the temptation of hoarding power. People are comfortable obeying the government as long as their individual rights are protected, thereby enhancing their freedom. Should they feel that it fails to do so, or that government violates their rights, they would feel the need to fight against it to regain their rights. Aristotle believes that the state should cater to the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Socrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Socrates - Essay Example All through the book Socrates proves his respect for the law as well as his deep desire to continue studying philosophy. This paper will discuss why Socrates submitted to the law despite being innocent and it will seek to prove that Socrates love for his religion was far above his willingness to cooperate with the laws of Athens, and that he also respected the laws very much. During Socrates trial in the Apology, he stated to the Jury that he believed in what his gods commanded him to doing, and he would remain in his philosophical missions regardless of any situations. The Jury offered him the chance for freedom is he would quit his philosophical missions but Socrates said that even if it meant choosing between staying in prison and being free because of his religion, he would choose remaining in prison and continuing with his philosophy. Socrates had been imprisoned because he had spent a lot of time in investigation and practicing philosophy. In one occasion one member of the July said, "If you said to me in this regard: Socrates, we do not believe Anytus now; we acquit you, but only on the condition that you spend no more time on this investigation and do not practice philosophy, and if you are caught doing so you will die, if , as I say , you were to acquit me on those terms, I would say to you : " (Plato 29c-d) Through this statement, the Jury made it clear that they were completely against Socrates ideas and religion ad they were only going to set him free on condition that he quitted his philosophical mission. In response to this statement, Socrates stated that, Through this response, Socrates made it clear to the July that he was not ready to buy their decision and that he respected his religion more than the law. The fear of suffering in prison could not pullback Socrates philosophical mission. He chooses to go against the law and be denied independence on the expense of continuing to study

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Innovation course PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Innovation course - PowerPoint Presentation Example ter is to improve the delivery of quality health care conforming to the strict standards of the Joint Accreditation Commission of Health Organizations (JACHO). It basic strategy to attain its vision and mission is to manage innovation through governance and leadership skills. The first strategy is to employ non-nurse managers to head their nursing units. It is strategic move to enable nurses to focus on patient care and not be bogged down with administrative work. This move paved the way to increase morale and productivity in the units, and increased patients’ satisfaction with regard to the delivery of efficient and effective healthcare. The second strategy was an innovative structure necessitating building a two-tower structure which stands on a 1.6-hectare property. This move would capture a more extensive clientele thereby improving their market share. The third move was to institute actions which are â€Å"firsts† in the industry. First to invest in advanced medical equipments to cater to more patients not only in the local market but in the neighboring Asian nations. Further, this strategy puts SLMC in the top spot among the medical institutions in the Philippines. Innovative companies have well defined goals, vision and mission. The vision defined 2010 as the year to achieve its being one of the top 5 hospitals in Asia and would be achieved through highly competent and caring professionals and with the use of world class technology and research. Leadership is essential in managing innovation. The appropriate leadership skills are matched with personalities, characteristics and behavior of its human resources to motivate them into achieving organizational goals. Company’s resources must be maximized. Human resources are acknowledged as their most important asset. Property, equipment, and processes are continuously updated. And management has made a commitment to invest in technologically advanced medical equipments to compete with other top health

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Juice Concentrate Industry Essay Example for Free

Juice Concentrate Industry Essay Juice is a liquid that is naturally contained in fruit and vegetables. It is commonly consumed as a beverage or used as an ingredient or flavouring in foods. Juice is prepared by mechanically squeezing or macerating fruit or vegetable flesh without the application of heat or solvents. For example, orange juice is the liquid extract of the fruit of the orange tree, and tomato juice is the liquid that results from pressing the fruit of the tomato plant. Common methods for preservation and processing of fruit juices include canning,pasteurization, concentrating[1], freezing, evaporation and spray drying. A concentrate is a form of substance which has had the majority of its base component (in the case of a liquid: the solvent) removed. Typically this will be the removal of water from a solution or suspension such as the removal of water from fruit juice. One benefit of producing a concentrate is that of a reduction in weight and volume for transportation as the concentrate can be re-constituted at the time of usage by the addition of the solvent. Process Description The following processes concerns mainly with the fruit to juice concentrate production. Thorough process outline will be presented in the final paper. Harvesting/collection Oranges are harvested from large groves. When the mature fruit is ready to pick, a crew of pickers is sent in to pull the fruit off the trees. For higher picking rate companies on the other hand, use mechanical pickers instead of crew of pickers. The collected fruit is sent to plants for juice processing. The oranges are generally shipped via truck to juice extraction facilities, where they are unloaded by a gravity feed onto a conveyor belt that transports the fruit to a storage bin. Washing As the fruits are unloaded from the trucks, they are washed and loaded to belt conveyors proceeding inside the extraction plant. This process removes debris and dirt and reduces the number of microbes. Selection and Sizing Before extraction process, the fruits are manually selected and grouped based on size and color. Extraction Proper juice extraction is important to optimize the efficiency of the juice production process as well as the quality of the finished drink. The latter is true because oranges have thick peels, which contain bitter resins that must be carefully separated to avoid tainting the sweeter juice. There are two automated extraction methods commonly used by the industry. The first places the fruit between two metal cups with sharpened metal tubes at their base. The upper cup descends and the fingers on each cup mesh to express the juice as the tubes cut holes in the top and bottom of the fruit. The fruit solids are compressed into the bottom tube between the two plugs of peel while the juice is forced out through perforations in the tube wall. At the same time, a water spray washes away the oil from the peel. This oil is reclaimed for later use. The second type of extraction has the oranges cut in half before the juice is removed. The fruits are sliced as they pass by a stationary knife and the halves are then picked up by rubber suction cups and moved against plastic serrated reamers. The rotating reamers express the juice as the orange halves travel around the conveyor line. For massive industrial production, the most effective is the former method. The peels and pulps are collected to be used later for further steps in the production. Pasteurization Pasteurization is still required to further retard spoilage. Pasteurization also inactivates certain enzymes which cause the pulp to separate from the juice, resulting in an aesthetically undesirably beverage. This enzyme related clarification is one of the reasons why fresh squeezed juice has a shelf life of only a few hours. Flash pasteurization minimizes flavour changes from heat treatment and is recommended for premium quality products. Several pasteurization methods are commercially used. One common method passes juice through a tube next to a plate heat exchanger, so the juice is heated without direct contact with the heating surface. Another method uses hot, pasteurized juice to preheat incoming unpasteurized juice. The preheated juice is further heated with steam or hot water to the pasteurization temperature. Typically, reaching a temperature of 185-201.2Â ° F (85-94Â ° C) for about 30 seconds is adequate to reduce the microbe count and prepare the juice for filling.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Privacy Supportive Geo-Location Search Software

Privacy Supportive Geo-Location Search Software Devika BV 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the Locating Service Similarity with Privacy using queries. It will explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system, what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to external stimuli. 1.2 Document Conventions 1.3 Product Scope This web application is chosen for an academic study and implementation. Location-based applications utilize the positioning capabilities of a mobile device to determine the current location of a user, and customize query results to include neighboring points of interests. However, location knowledge is often perceived as personal information. One of the immediate issues hindering the wide acceptance of location-based applications is the lack of appropriate methodologies that offer fine grain privacy controls to a user without vastly affecting the usability of the service. In specific, the following are the contributions towards this project. A novel architecture for LBS applications that is directed towards revealing privacy/utility trade-offs to a user before an actual geo-tagged query is made. A proof-of-concept design for a privacy-supportive local search location based search. 1.4 References Exploiting Service Similarity for Privacy in Location Based Search Queries Qin Liu, Guojun Rinku Dewri, Member, IEEE, and Ramakrisha Thurimella IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS VOL:25 NO:2 YEAR 2014 â€Å"Supporting Anonymous Location Queries in Mobile Environments with Privacy Grid,†in Proceedings of the 17th International World Wide Web Conference,2008, pp. 237–246. B. Bamba, L. Liu, P. Pesti, and T. Wang 2. Overall Description This section will give an overview of the whole system. The system will be explained in its context to show how the system interacts with other systems and introduce the basic functionality of it. It will also describe what type of stakeholders that will use the system and what functionality is available for each type. At last, the constraints and assumptions for the system will be presented. 2.1 Product Perspective To begin with, this is a very dynamic concept. Usability has a twofold meaning a) privacy controls should be intuitive yet flexible, and b) the intended purpose of an application is reasonably maintained It is worth mentioning that a separate line of research in analyzing anonymous location traces has revealed that user locations are heavily correlated, and knowing a few frequently visited locations can easily identify the user behind a certain trace. The privacy breach in these cases occurs because the location to identity mapping results in a violation of user anonymity. The system attempts to prevent the reverse mapping—from user identity to user location—albeit in a user-controllable manner. 2.2 Product Functions Mobile search is an evolving branch of information retrieval services that is centered on the convergence of mobile platforms and mobile phones, or that it can be used to tell information about something and other mobile devices. Web search engine ability in a mobile form allows users to find mobile content on websites which are available to mobile devices on mobile networks. The first module is to build a mobile search engine with ranking based approach to retrieve results with respect to the localized position of the user. Geo-tagging is a function, where devices can insert metadata with geographical information (coordinates) into a file such as photo, associating it with the geographic location it was taken at. In response to this first query phase, the user obtains a service-similarity profile. This profile is a representation of the similarities in the query output at different geographic locations. The exact form taken by this profile, as well as the data structures employed in computing this profile, may vary from application to application. A location movement engine on the user side then determines a noisy location to use based on the user’s privacy profile and the retrieved service-similarity profile. What is private and what is not private should be actually defined before the query has been raised, this helps the result set not to include those details that are private to the user and thus it would not be shared by the application. The service-contour inferencing is not just a collection of positions, but includes additional information about the businesses located at those positions such as names, addresses, categories, subcategories. Additionally, some specific values such as feedback score, the entire profile of the entity with personal information, so on and forth. The following could be the modules for this project: Login/Register module Search results by ranking module Similarity profiler service module Service-contour inferencing module 2.3 User Classes and Characteristics The user is expected to be Internet literate and be able to register/login and know how to search for information from the system. The user is expected to know how to provide information. The interface, however, provides easy access to all these, nonetheless, the user needs to know the basics to operate and get the best results. The user is expected to be Windows literate and to be able to use button, pull-down menus, and similar tools. There are two types of users who can interact with the system: 1. The registered users who will get access to information of the businesses for a specific location; 2. The business owners who may receive personal information regarding the user at a specific location. 2.4 Operating Environment The following Hardware configuration is expected to smoothly execute the project. Processor Pentium V or above Speed 2.1 GHz or above RAM 1 GB RAM Hard Disk 60 GB Key Board Standard Windows Keyboard Mouse Two or Three Button Mouse Monitor SVGA The following Software configuration is expected to smoothly execute the project. Operating System : Window 7 or above Language : C# (.NET Language) Front End : Visual Studio 2010 Database : SQL Server/Express Web Server :Internet Information Server (IIS 6.0) 2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints Since the application searches data from the database server, it is crucial that there is a good bandwidth/good system resource for the application to function. Data-base search can be laborious when we have larger-data to be executed. 2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies One assumption about the emulator product is that it will be always be used with internet connection, since it has to collect information about a random user moving from the API’s. It is also assumed that the internet connection is stable during these transactions. If not high, a moderate speed is required to operate with the system. Another assumption is that since the API’s are third-party services, this could go down or may not work as expected at times. However, it is assumed that the down-time may not be longer enough to disrupt the working of our emulators. 2.7 System Environment 3. External Interface Requirements This section provides a detailed description of all inputs into and outputs from the system. It also gives a description of the hardware, software and communication interfaces and provides basic prototypes of the user interface. 3.1 User Interfaces A first-time user of the mobile application should see the log-in page when user opens the application. If the user has not registered, they should be able to do that on the log-in page. Refer to Fig. 2. If the user is not a first-time user, they should be able to see the latitude and longitude information where the user is current located, see Figure 3. On selecting the user destination, the random movement is simulated and reported by the system. Fig. 2. Login Screen Fig. 3. Current Location Fig. 4. Random User Movement 3.2 Hardware Interfaces No external hardware devices are expected to be used in this project. A system with Windows Operating System running on it should be fine to run the web application. 3.3 Software Interfaces Windows Operating System (OS) XP or 7.0, SQL Server/Express will be used for the database storage. Multiple API’s and JavaScript’s would be used in this project. There may be some usage of the web services (as applicable). 3.4 Communications Interfaces The communication between the different parts of the system is important since they depend on each other. However, in what way the communication is achieved is not important for the system and is therefore handled by the underlying operating systems and the database for both the cloud and the web application. 4. System Features 4.1 Login/Registration Module The user should be able to register or login (if already a member) from the mobile emulator. The login/register module helps the user to locate his geo location and will be able to view the businesses/services surrounding the user. The system will also ensure that the privacy details of the user are shared only what is made â€Å"Public† or â€Å"Private† by the user. Modifications to this sensitive information are provided to the user by the system. 4.2 Search results by ranking module In general, a local search application provides information on local businesses, events, and/or friends, weighted by the location of the query issuer. Location and service accuracy trade-offs are clearly present in a local search LBS. A privacy-supportive variant is therefore well-suited for this application class. Local search results tend to cycle through periods of plateaus and minor changes as one moves away from a specified location. The plateaus provide avenues for relaxation in the location accuracy without affecting service accuracy, while the minor changes allow one to assess accuracy in a continuous manner. Given a search term (e.g. generic ones such as â€Å"cafes†, and targeted ones such as â€Å"starbucks coffee†) and a highly generalized user location (e.g. the metropolitan city), the privacy-supportive LBS generates a concise representation of the variation in the 10-nearest neighbor result set as a hypothetical user moves across the large metropolitan area. Once the representation is communicated to the user, he/she can infer the geographic variability that can be introduced in her location coordinates to retrieve all or a subset of the result set. 4.3 Similarity profiler service module This profile is a representation of the similarities in the query output at different geographic locations. The exact form taken by this profile, as well as the data structures employed in computing this profile, may vary from application to application. A location perturbation engine on the user side then determines a noisy location to use based on the user’s privacy profile and the retrieved service-similarity profile. The LBS processes the query with respect to the noisy location. 4.4 Service-contour inferencing module The result set from the query is not simply a collection of positions, but includes additional attributes about the businesses located at those positions. This could range from names, addresses, categories, subcategories, to specifics such as value, feedback scores, and entire profiles of individuals with personal information. The ranking function is often a well-guarded business secret on how these attributes are combined. Another approach is to send a set of similarity matrices to the user, one each corresponding to a specific co-ordinate in the grid. The approach requires the computation and transfer of an inordinate amount of information. 5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 5.1 Performance Requirements The requirements in this section provide a detailed specification of the user interaction with the web application software and measurements placed on the system performance. The system on which this client application runs should have installed .NET framework 2. The following software(s) must be installed for smooth implementation of the project. Visual Studio 2012 IIS Web Server/Service SQL Server database Browser application such as Internet Explorer / Mozilla / Google Chrome Windows Mobile Emulator Windows operating system with wired or wireless internet connection 5.2 Safety Requirements All care should be taken to ensure that at any point there is no compromise on the safety requirement during the process of building/executing this project. At this time, there is none that needs serious consideration. 5.3 Security Requirements Database should be password-protected. The system should allow access to users only with a login credentials.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Compare how visual images are used in Blessing and one other poem Essay

Compare how visual images are used in Blessing and one other poem (Vultures) to highlight political issues. The poet of Blessing Imtiaz Dharker and the poet of Vultures Chinua Achebe both use visual images to highlight the political issues in both poems. However both poems are very different from each other and contrast from of the poets’ views. The poem Blessing is about a water pipe bursting and how that is a blessing, as in the country they live in water is very limited and it doesn’t rain much in the country. The poem Vultures is about the evil of war and how evil always has good and good always has evil. The contrast in the two poems is Blessing is about Poverty and lack of water, whereas Vultures is about war and ethnic dying. In the poem Blessing the poet discusses the theme of third world poverty and the lack of water through using different language feature. For example line one â€Å"The skin cracks like a pod.† Using like in the sentence it shows that the poet is comparing dry skin to a pod, a pod dries out till it crack. There is also onomatopoeia used in this poem, â€Å"sliver crashes to the ground† crash is normally a negative onomatopoeia as the first thing that may come to our head may be car crash; however it is used as a positive as it is used with silver. Silver is a value metal and is precious, this shows how precious the water was to them. In the poem Vultures the poet discusses the theme of war and ethnic dying by using different language features. For example in Vultures the poet has used repetition of death and negative vocabulary a number of different times. â€Å"perching high on broken bone of a dead tree† in the phrase there are tow negative words. These negative words show that the Vul... ...g and Vultures to show the different political issues. In the poem Blessing visual images are portrayed about third world poverty, and in the poem Vultures it more about war a more political issue. Even though poverty is a political issue it could be easily stopped but would take a long time. War alternatively would take a long time and could also easily be. In contrast poverty could only be created by other countries it could also be created by the country it’s self. For example in the poem Vultures the commandment could stop imposing rules for others to follow, this would bring a stop to evil. However gathering the money to bring poverty to end would take a number of months. The in poem Blessing I thought the country may have been living in poverty for a number of years and didn’t have water for a number weeks. This could have lead to a number of deaths.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Need for Recycling Essay -- Recycle Reuse Landfill Trash

The Need for Recycling This essay has problems with the format People Need to Recycle In the United Sates, where the population is inflated every year. The amount of space for landfills decreases every day. The need for recycling should not be asked, it should just be done out of habit. Everyone in America needs to recycle, to help the lamdfill problem, help the environment, and help produce new products from recycled goods. In America there is about two-hundred and eight tons of residential and commercial trash generated a year, 4.3 pounds per person a day (Prichard 1A). This is an overwhelming amount of trashed produced yearly. When people recycle this number can be drastically cut. But many people do not practice and use recycling. Consumers and businesses should use the three R’s; recycle, reuse, and recharge (Prichard 1A). Consumers and businesses are producing more garbage than ever before. As a result, we are rapidly running out of landfill space. In 1979 America had close to 18,500 landfills, and by 1991 that number was nearly cut in half (Prichard 10A). Kentucky, Ohio, Minnesota, and Illinois will reach their maximum limit on landfills by the year 2005 (Prichard 10A). This whole garbage problem has forced us to try other options. Many of these options have been very unsuccessful. People have tried burning their garbage, that cause pollution to the environment. Some states even resorted to dropping their trash in the ocean, only to have the very same trash float ashore later. Dumping it on other states leads to feuding neighbors. Indiana passed a law to block imports of out-of-state trash, but a federal court ruled the law illegal (Prichard 10A). Instead of trying to find new ways to dump our trash, we need to find b... cans out of our rivers and parks. Everyone should get involved with a local recycling program of some sorts. Every city has recycling bins for newspapers, paper, cans, bottles, plastics, almost everything there is. When people get involved, the landfills, and the environment will all be greatly inproved. So take the time to recycle and America will truly be a beautiful place to live. Works Cited Hall, Cindy. â€Å"Trash and Back.† USA Today 14 November 1997: 1A. Lipkin, Richard. â€Å"Recycling, King of the Trash Heap.† New Tech 26 February 1990: 48-49. Pendleton, Scott. â€Å"Sellers Tickled by Demand for Recycled Paper.† The Christian Science Monitor 26 August 1997. Prichard, Peter. â€Å"Bottle-Deposit Laws Fight Litter and Waste.† USA Today 29 April 1990: 8A. Prichard, Peter. â€Å"Trash Glut Demands Recycling Solution.† USA Today 19 February 1994: 10A.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pros & Cons Essay

Most wireline phone companies charge more than what you’d pay for most alternatives, and some are taxed more as well. There are some locations where getting new wired phone service is prohibitively expensive or even impossible. Long Distance and extra features like Call Waiting are normally included with alternative phones. More Features: Cellular and broadband phones normally include Long Distance, Voice Mail, Caller ID, Call Forwarding and more, usually at no additional charge. They also have Text Messaging and various forms of data service which are unavailable with a landline. Portability: If you move your home more than average (or if it’s on wheels), your phone and your number can stay with you. There are no â€Å"installation† charges. Temporary Usage: You can have phone service for the season in a vacation home or cabin, or on an extended stay at a hotel or home of a friend or relative without installing a separate line. Unlimited Plans: Most alternatives offer a plan that includes Unlimited talk minutes and Long Distance, including cellular. Most cellular carriers have eliminated Unlimited Data plans, although there are some that include Data with some other restrictions. Anonymity: You can easily set up an account (especially prepaid cellular) with either no name or an alternative identity. Fewer Telemarketers: Nuisance calls are reduced because telemarketers want to target customers in certain geographic areas. They won’t know where you are. Most telcos provide your landline number to telemarketers. With cellular it’s illegal†¦ for now. With broadband, it depends on the carrier who sets up your number. Internet Access: Your wireless phone can also be your connection to the Internet, either with an internal browser or tethered to your computer, and available wherever there is cellular coverage. Wireless broadband is also available separate from your cellular account. Wi-Fi for Multiple Devices: You can get a cellular modem that provides a wi-fi signal that can connect to up to 5 separate wi-fi devices. It’s Green: Replace your fax with an Internet-based fax service like eFax or MyFax. com and stop wasting paper and ink. (Give your old fax to charity) Attitude: Some wired phone companies just treat their customers badly. Sometimes it feels better to leave†¦ at any price. Take your broadband wherever you go – A mobile broadband connection is exactly that, which means that you can access your emails, check the sports results or watch YouTube videos no matter where you are, provided you have 3G reception. Stop paying for line rental – Millions of people continue to pay for line rental on a home phone landline that they rarely use, just so that they can get broadband at home. With mobile broadband, there’s no need to pay line rental – potentially saving you over ? 100 a year. Plug and play technology – All the software you need to connect to the internet is automatically installed when you first plug your USB modem into your laptop – no need to set it up or call a technical support helpline. Flexible options available – Mobile broadband customers can take advantage of some really great pay as you go tariffs from as little as ? 2 a day, or rolling one-month packages, meaning they only ever pay for what they actually need. Con’s: Safety: If you need to call 911, public safety authorities won’t automatically know where you are, you’ll have to tell them. Also, calls with alternative phones will not necessarily be routed to the closest agency. Also, you won’t receive â€Å"Reverse 911† calls alerting you to a public emergency in your neighborhood unless your local emergency center allows you to sign up your number and associate it with a local address. Security: Some businesses will not allow you to use their services without a traceable land line. This includes credit card companies, pizza shops and a few others, although this rule is slowly being relaxed. Satellite TV services want a landline-like plug for their equipment to call them each night. It does work with some broadband phone systems. Your satellite service can still work without it, but you will most likely pay an extra charge. Reliability: Wired telephone services have come as close to 100% reliable as is practical. Their network has substantial power backup, redundant circuits and years to get it right. Alternatives are improving but their networks can vary significantly. Cell sites and other communications nodes have a limited amount of backup power. In an extended power outage, such as after a hurricane or snowstorm, the service may not work, leaving you with no service. Corded phones work in power failures. Cable phones also have a lower level of reliability. Sound Quality: Some alternative phones don’t sound the same or as good as a landline. While your alternative phone may sound fine to you, it may be difficult for others. Also, some broadband phone services just dump their audio into the Internet resulting in widely varying data travel times giving you significant sound delays. Lack of Service: You may be in a location where there are no wireless broadband alternatives or may have poor cellular coverage. This might be rectified by adding a ‘cell site’ to your home. Broadband Speeds: While there are some fairly fast wireless broadband connections, it may be some time before they will compare to wired or cable connections. Malfunctions: Cell sites can stop working for various reasons. Repairs often need to be made on site and may take time. Broadband services require one or more pieces of equipment at your house which you will need to fix if it fails. Wireline equipment can normally be repaired at the central office. Murphy’s Law says breakdowns will happen at the worst possible time. You Have No Backup: Unless you have an extra cellular phone, if something happens to your main phone or its associated equipment, or your account, you can’t just plug another phone into the wall. Inconvenience: Some alternative services only offer a single jack for one phone. If you want service throughout the house you either must go wi-fi or cellular. Otherwise, plan on using the phone near your computer or router. With a cell phone you need to keep it close to you if your home is large or on multiple floors. It Might be Difficult to Get a Job: Some employers require a â€Å"Local† number to consider you for a position. While you can change your out-of-town portable number to something local, there goes your â€Å"Number For Life. † Surprise Costs. Since you normally pay for cellular by the minute, you might talk a lot more than you think. Savings may be less than you expected when calculated long term. Broadband carriers are not regulated like wireline services and could make changes that you don’t expect. You Won’t Be Listed in the Phone Book. Some directories let you to pay for a personal listing, but others use that as a way to keep you as a landline customer. Alarm systems. Most existing dial-up alarm systems don’t work with broadband phone connections. There are other alarm alternatives, including wireless. You May Not Be Able to Send or Receive Faxes. In some cases, faxing is not an issue. In others, you can’t just plug in your fax machine. A better choice is to to use a paperless, web-based service like eFax or MyFax. com. Low download limits – Even the most generous of mobile broadband tariffs only offer a download allowance of 15GB per month, and that could set you back ? A  month on a two-year contract, while typical value packages offer less than 5GB a month. High costs for exceeding your limit – Most mobile broadband providers charge a fee when you exceed your download limit. This is normally several pence per MB and costs can very quickly add up if you’re not careful. Always keep an eye on your usage. Slower connections – Although suppliers might advertise speeds of up to 10 or 12Mb, mobile broadband speeds rarely exceed the average of around 1Mb. This, combined with the tight usage limits, makes mobile broadband unsuitable for large downloads. Coverage – Most of the UK is covered by the 3G mobile network, but coverage can be patchy in some rural areas, with speeds significantly slower in some parts of the country, so you should always check coverage in your area before signing up. PROS OF FIXED LINE NETWORK Reliability Land line/fix line phones can be more reliable than their cellular counterparts. Disconnected cables can disable land lines, but these problems are easily remedied. On the other hand, cellular phones are plagued by several different issues because they rely on a network of radio waves, cellular towers and satellites. In some areas, cellular service is plagued by dropped calls and fuzzy reception. Emergencies The reliability of land line phones makes them advantageous when it comes to emergencies. For example, if someone is hurt and needs immediate medical care, you do not have to worry about contending with poor reception. Land lines also provide a fixed location that emergency responders can rush to. On a cell phone, you must state your address or describe your location, which wastes precious time during a crisis. Sponsored Links

Monday, September 16, 2019

Graffiti Art

Brandon Salcido Art Graffiti is defined as the act of inscribing or drawing on walls for the purpose of communicating a message to the general public. The term comes from the Greek term â€Å"Graphein,† which means ‘to write. ‘ It has been around since men first started drawing pictures in caves. The question as to whether any forms of graffiti can be considered art is controversial. Is it vandalism when it is placed on the side of a building or car and art when it is on a canvas on someone's wall or in a gallery; what’s the difference? Graffiti can be considered art because it contains artistic elements. It communicates the artist's expression to the viewer, and the traditional art community has already accepted it. Since the root of the word â€Å"graffiti† is â€Å"to write,† then it can be interpreted as a human need for communication. Motives for producing this art vary immensely from artist to artist. Graffiti artists who are drawn to the art form for individual expression are much more creative with their work. They turn to it because they believe that the hip-hop style is the closest representation of who they are as a person. This type of artist usually works to master intricate designs of graffiti that say more than just their street names, but offer very appealing aesthetics. Without a better understanding of why artists turn to graffiti, it is not surprising that the average person's image of this type of artist is far from accurate. A majority of people tend to associate graffiti with vandalism. They think most of these artists are hoodlums or gang-bangers with nothing better to do with their time, when statistics now show that more than one-half of graffiti artists come from white middle- and upper-class homes in the suburban areas. Vandalism and graffiti derive from very different motives and environments. I believe there is a fine line between the two.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Knowledge and Heritage Essay

Abstract Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use† and Amy Tan’s â€Å"A Pair of Tickets† investigate the relationships between mothers and daughters. Both writers show a struggle, by the children, to understand the true meaning of heritage. Each story has a specific type of mother-daughter relationship. Mother and Daughter Conflict: The Struggle to Understand Heritage in First-generation Americans A key factor in Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use,† and Amy Tan’s â€Å"A Pair of Tickets,† is heritage. Throughout both stories the use of heritage can be seen easily. Walker shows Dee misunderstands her heritage while Tan shows Jing-Mei comes to an understanding. Understanding both sides of the two stories gives readers a chance to explore their own heritage and reflect on how they accept their past. By contrasting the family characters in â€Å"Everyday Use,† Walker illustrates Dee’s misunderstanding of her heritage by placing the significance of heritage solely on material objects. Walker presents Mama and Maggie, the younger daughter, as an example that heritage in both knowledge and form passing from one generation to another through a learning experience connection. Dee, the older daughter, represents a misconception of heritage as a material thing. Dee portrays a rags to riches daughter who does not understand what heritage is all about. Her definition of heritage hangs on a wall to show off, not to be used. Dee’s avoidance of heritage becomes clear when she is talking to Mama about changing her name, she says, â€Å"I couldn’t bear it any longer being named after the people who oppress me† (Walker 746). Dee just takes another name without even understanding the true meaning behind it. She tries to explain to Mama that her name now has meaning, quality, and heritage; never realizing that the new name means nothing. Dee fails to realize that her name goes back multiple generations. Dee digs around the house for objects she can display in her own home as examples of African-American folk art. Her argument with Mama about taking quilts that were hand stitched as opposed to sewn by machine gives readers a chance to see Dee’s outlook of heritage is short lived. Dee says to Mama, â€Å"But they’re priceless. . . Maggie would put them on the bed and in five years they’d be in rags. Less than that! † (Walker 748). Mama will not allow her daughter to take the quilts because she has been saving them for Dee’s sister, Maggie, and she wants the quilts to be put into everyday use. By helping and living with Mama, Maggie uses the hand-made items in her life, experiences the life of her ancestors, and learns the history of both, exemplified by Maggie’s knowledge of the hand-made items and the people who made them—a knowledge in which Dee does not possess. Dee attempts to connect with her heritage by taking â€Å"picture after picture of me sitting there in front of the house. . . She never takes a shot without making sure the house is included† (Walker 746). Therefore showing Dee’s quest for heritage is external, wishing to have these various items in order to display them in her home. She allowed Dee to run over her enough, and now she would not allow her foolish behavior to carry on, because heritage needs to be put to everyday use and not just be hung up on a wall for people to see. Dee views her heritage as an artifact which she can possess and appreciate from a distance instead of as a process in which she is always intimately involved. She knows the items are hand-made, but she does not know the knowledge and history behind the items. Yet, Mama does know the knowledge and history and she also knows that Maggie does too. Ironically, Dee criticizes Mama for not understanding heritage when, in fact, Dee fails to understand heritage herself. Throughout the story, the true meaning of heritage is understood by two characters and avoided by one character. Dee mistakenly places heritage wholly in what she owns, not what she knows. In Amy Tan’s â€Å"A Pair of Tickets† the theme of Chinese-American life, focuses mainly on mother-daughter relationships, where the mother is an immigrant from China and the daughter is thoroughly Americanized. Tan begins her story by describing a feeling that Jing-mei, the narrator, speaks of. She says, â€Å"The minute our train leaves the Hong Kong border and enters Shenzen, China, I feel different. I can feel the skin on my forehead tingling, my blood rushing through a new course, my bones aching with a familiar old pain. And I think, my mother was right. I am becoming Chinese† (Tan 120). Tan tells a story within itself giving readers a chance to get to know the character right off the bat and also allowing an understanding of heritage to be brought out. Jing-mei has come to China to trace her Chinese roots which her mother told her she possessed, and to meet her two twin half-sisters whom her mother had to abandon on her attempt to flee from the Japanese. Readers can see that Jing-mei has waited her whole life to connect with her heritage when she says, â€Å". . . I saw myself transforming like a werewolf, a mutant tag of DNA suddenly triggered, replicating into a syndrome, a cluster of telltale Chinese behaviors, all those things my mother did to embarrass me. . . . But today I realize I’ve never really known what it means to be Chinese. I am thirty-six years old. My mother is dead and I am on a train, carrying with me her dreams of coming home. I am going to China† (Tan 120). Although Jing-mei was not born in China like her mother, she now has a grasp on her life and on her mothers. By having the story take place on a train in China, helps the tracing of heritage become real for readers. Strong feelings of happiness and sorrow are felt when Jing-mei traces her Chinese roots and becomes in touch with her heritage and her past; allowing readers to place themselves in the same situation and experience the feelings are being portrayed by the characters. Learning about family heritage is something people do not always understand, like Jing-mei, people do not always want to believe their past and heritage. When coming to an understanding of their past, people can lay to rest their urging thoughts and can come closer in contact with their present life. Now that Jing-mei has met her sisters, she can now make peace in her life knowing that she has fulfilled her dreams and the dreams of her mother. Amy Tan reveals Jing-mei’s epiphany well by writing, â€Å"I look at their faces again and I see no trace of my mother in them. Yet they still look familiar. And now I also see what part of me is Chinese. It is so obvious. It is my family. It is in our blood. After all these years, it can finally be let go† (Tan 134). Jing-mei finally realizes that she is Chinese and that her mother was right. Jing-mei also says, â€Å"Together we look like our mother. Her same eyes, her same mouth, open in surprise to see, at last, her long cherished wish† (Tan 134), thus adding on to her realization of her heritage and past. Jing-mei can now lay to rest the thought of her mother never seeing her twin daughters again and continue on with her existing life, but now with a different perspective, a Chinese perspective. Throughout both of the stories, heritage becomes a major factor. The characters coming to an understanding of heritage helps readers to become more fascinated with the stories. Bringing out the points in Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use† and Tan’s â€Å"A Pair of Tickets† gives readers a chance to see the heritage â€Å"shining through†. References Tan, A. (1999) A Pair of Tickets. In E. Kennedy and D. Gioia (7th Ed. ). Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. (p. 120-134) New York City, NY: Longman. Walker, A. (2008). Everyday Use. In R. DiYanni (6th Ed. ). Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. (p. 743-749). United States of America: McGraw Hill.

Psychological Testing to Assess Motivation in the Workplace

Every employer seeks to find new employees that are a perfect match for the available position in their company. Many employers are now leaning towards organizational psychologists to assist them in finding the â€Å"perfect† employee. Organizational psychologist are able to assist companies in screening possible employees for personality traits that are necessary for the person to be successful at the potential job. Employers have also started to integrate psychological testing into the interview process to assist psychologists in picking out potential candidates who hold these desired traits. In addition, psychological testing is used to test current employees to determine what company improvements are needed to improve overall success. A largely researched topic in this area of psychology is motivation and reasons for motivation in employees. Article Summary The ability to measure factors that energize, channel, and sustain work behavior over time is essential for capturing employee motivation and for developing interventions aimed at enhancing motivation, job satisfaction, and performance (Tremblay, Blanchard, Taylor, Pelletier, & Villeneuve, 2009). Tremblay et al. (2009) suggests that self-determination theory (which focuses on why a person is motivated) applies to activities which people find interesting, challenging, or pleasing. This type of motivation is called intrinsic motivation. In addition, activities that are not experienced as interesting or pleasing are unlikely to get accomplished, unless there is an instrumental reason in doing so. This is called extrinsic motivation. The self-determination theory states that intrinsic motivation leads to the most positive outcomes, whereas extrinsic motivations lead to more negative outcomes such as counterproductive performance and employee withdraw (Tremblay et al. , 2009). Low work motivation has been linked to depression in employees, higher turnover rates, and job burnout (Tremblay et al. , 2009). Since better job performance, employee engagement, and employee retention as all considered vital for overall success of a company, it is important that research be conducted on tests that are able to determine otivational characteristics in company employees. The Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale (WEIMS) The WEIMS is a 18-item self-report scale that was developed by Tremblay et al. (2009) to measure both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in employees. The scale is also theorized to determine successful job performance based on six types of motivation determined by the self-determination theory. Partic ipants were asked to provide their answers to the 18 items on a Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 (does not correspond) to 5 (corresponds exactly) (Tremblay et al. , 2009). The researchers then created a formula to assess the scores of the scale. The total score derived from the formula reflects the individuals’ level of self determination. This research was conducted to determine the accuracy of using the WEIMS in different work environments to determine levels of motivation in employees. The WEIMS was hypothesized to predict positive and negative motivators based on the self-determination scale and to determine psychological ideas related to work motivation (Tremblay et al. , 2009). In addition, this research aimed to gain reliability and validity of the WEIMS scale. Three separate studies were conducted in an attempt to support the proposed hypotheses Effectiveness of the WEIMS In the first study, the WEIMS showed mid to high correlations for each type of motivation. Researchers indicated that this represents an indication of construct validity (Tremblay et al. , 2009). This study also determined that results indicated that extrinsic motivation was the main reason why employees were involved in their work. In study number two, results again indicated extrinsic motivation as the main motivation for employees (Tremblay et al. 2009). Results also indicated that a positive work environment leads to higher levels of self-determination, which in turn leads to the employee being more engaged in their work and a higher level of job satisfaction (Tremblay et al. , 2009). In addition, organizational support and positive work environment also showed a positive correlation with four of the types of motivation. In the third study, results were identical to t he first two studies. This indicates that the reliability and validity of the WEIMS measure is positive (Tremblay et al. , 2009). In addition, the original hypotheses that the WEIMS predicts positive and negative motivators based on the self-determination scale was supported (Tremblay et al. , 2009). The overall effectiveness of the WEIMS measure, as used in an employment setting, was positive. â€Å"The WEIMS has construct, content, and criterion validity for organizational settings† (Tremblay et al. , 2009, p. 221). In addition, results of all studies were consistent with the hypothesis that as self-determination increases, job satisfaction and commitment rises as well (Tremblay et al. , 2009). This study also supports that the WEIMS has the ability to predict positive and negative work experiences based on extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Tremblay et al. (2009) did specify that although the found results are promising, further research is needed in order to determine if the WEIMS is useful in predicting future motivational behaviors based on this evaluation. Conclusion The use of psychological tests, such as the WEIMS, are able to provide employers with information that could potentially be used for improvement of overall work settings and ultimately the improvement of work performance. The use of the WEIMS by employers can contribute to a better understanding of of employee motivation and overall organizational functioning (Tremblay et al. , 2009). Increased motivation of employees is a critical asset in maximizing company profits in the current economy. With increased motivation of employees comes a more sufficient means of production, resulting in better quality and quantity of company products. Overall, psychological testing is able to assist employers in determining weaknesses in employees and the company. Using the results of testing to develop training strategies and programs to counteract negative feedback is vital in the improvement of any work setting. Psychological testing can also be used for positive feedback for the company, by using testing results to determine which employee traits work well for the success of that specific employer. The WEIMS, specifically, shows promising influence in determining both positive and negative aspects of employee motivation. This tool, if used correctly, has the potential to have a large impact on the way employers address overall motivation in the workplace.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Today in our modern society cheating in school is growing at a rapid rate, but who is to blame, is it the school system is it students or is it the teachers. I strongly believe that it is not only the student's fault but the school systems as well. To begin, cheating among students has rapidly increased. The numbers are crazy; statically 2 out of every 3 kids have cheated on a test, homework, ect. â€Å"Cheating in school is rampant and getting worse 64% of students cheated on a test in the past ear and 38% did so too or more times up from 60% to 35% in a 2006 survey'(David Crary).Which raises the question why are so many students cheating. Its not like they don't know everybody knows that cheating is wrong, you learned that as a kid and you constantly here it till you are out of school. I believe that students cheat because they want a good grade and that they don't trust themselves enough to write down what they think when they can Just look over there shoulder and get an answers they think s better than theirs so they can get a good grade, because in this day and age the difference of one A or B can mean a good collage or a great one.As the demand for higher educated people grows so does the pressure and that's why students cheat, because they can easily take a C, D, or even an F if they wanted to and not cheat, but their logic is why get a easy F when you can gets a easy A. Next is the school system and how it works, and how I believe it greatly impacts and influences the students of are modern generation to cheat.To explain, are school ystem is revolving around grades and scores and if you get a A then you are considered smart and you fully understand the topic and are more likely to get accepted into a good school, but since we are seeing so many students cheat because of this system that we are initially hurting are generation and really only making more of are generation not as smart as the previous generations. Part of the reason high school students cheat is to get into a good University, but as the universities get more competitive and raise their standards even higher it really nfluences and pressures us high school students to cheat.So we can do good and initially get into the universities we want. I believe we should change the school systems to a system were there are no grades and we should Just focus on trying to make are students understand the material as opposed to Just getting a good score not knowing if the student understand the material of Just cheated to get a good grade to pass on to the next grade and initially get into a good University later on in his or her future. pressure By sammy2314

Friday, September 13, 2019

Bush Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bush - Article Example t this program successfully, Bush directed the Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to set up the National Health Information Technology Coordinator (Thomson, 2014). In 2005, the HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt took initiative to establish American Health Information Community, a federally chartered commission, with intent to accomplish President Bush’s aim of having majority Americans using interoperable electronic health records within 10 years. Although this initiative started off strongly during the term of Bush, it has gradually fallen off for the recent years. As per Duane Morris report (2009), privacy and security concerns were the most potential barriers to the implementation of this initiative. Issues related to unauthorized access to records and privacy concerns prevented the implementation of technology. Some other security concerns include trespassing by an outsider, theft or loss of devices like laptop or mobile phone, or theft while transmitting information through a wireless network. In order to address the General Accounting Office’s concerns regarding information privacy, HHS initiated several projects including the commission that strategically determines the certification criteria for electronic medical records. According to GAO, it is essential â€Å"to establish the high degree of public confidence and trust needed to help ensure the success of a nationwide health information network† (Psych iatric news). In addition, unresolved debates over whether to employ an individual’s Social Security number hampered HIPAA implementation standards. Issues associated with general security practices also have weaken the scope of this policy. The higher costs related to this policy also became a barrier to the implementation of the proposed change. The concerned officials indicate that hardware and software maintenance throughout the organization involves higher costs. According to the Harvard researchers’ findings (cited in

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Carnival Cruise - Case 16 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Carnival Cruise - 16 - Case Study Example These forces include threats from new entrants in to the market, bargaining powers of the customers or the buyers, threats emanating from substitutes that could be products or services, bargaining power of the suppliers, the level of rivalry among the competing companies, and the relative power of unions. The competitive forces vary from country to country in the same way that industries vary. For instance, threats of entrants into an industry are not the same in different countries and are mostly dependent on the development of the host country or the market in question. Here, there would be a higher threat from new entrants for an organization operating in the U.K than one operating in a developing country. The competitive forces have a high rating while others have low rating. First, threat of new entrants is a high rate risk for businesses especially those operating in highly profitable markets. This is because these markets have the potential to attract new firms that lead to erosion of profit making capabilities for the existing organizations. To respond to these threats, the incumbents should have pre-established entry barriers such as economies of scale failure to which profitability suffers. Second, the bargaining power of the buyers is a high rate risk. It is the idea of the buyers driving the prices down. It is a high risk especially in the areas where there are few powerful buyers. These buyers have the capacity to dictate terms that determine the prices of the goods offered. In addition, when the cost for switching to another buyer is low, then the power of the buyers is significantly low with respect to determining the prices offered. Therefore, the number of powerful indiv idual buyers in a specified market determines the prices of the products. Third, substitute threats can also be rated as high risks. This is because the existence of substitutes increases the likelihood of the customers switching to them leading to loss and loss of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Power of the Media Tycoon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Power of the Media Tycoon - Essay Example Today, the power of the media and the few people that control it, have been compared to world leaders in their ability to sway opinion and effect change. How does this power compare to the power of a US President While the media tycoons have the legal limitations of any business owner that answers to stockholders and a board of directors, they have the power to move public opinion, initiate social change, and influence foreign policy to an extent greater than any elected public official. In the United States almost all the information available comes from a media outlet. Academic research is generally reserved for the small circle of specialists that have a position that offers them an interest and gives them exposure to the topic. These articles will occasionally get anecdotally quoted by the media, but the reports can be used for the outlet's own self-serving agenda. Selected quotes taken out of context can mislead the viewers in an attempt to sway public opinion. These opinion-centric newscasts exert enormous control over what people think and how they think about it. The ability to slant the news is even more significant in light of the increasing concentration of media ownership. The period of 1984 - 1999 saw the number of major owners go from 50 to 15 (Hasen 1626). The reduced number of outlets translates to an increased numbers of viewers and more influence. Media owners such as Rupert Murdoch can stack ... Reporters and pundits can be richly rewarded by presenting material in line with the network's political views. They can also be summarily punished and fired for developing a politically unpopular story of a scandal or major corruption. The network owner leverages these strengths to highlight or diminish a story's importance in the viewer's mind. The president is unable to cap a story or keep facts out of the viewer's homes. The recent events surrounding the investigation into the firings of the US Attorneys is evidence of the president's lack of ability to control the news. It is solely in the hands of the network and the network leadership. When comparing a media tycoon's power in regards to public opinion to a president, it is helpful to consider the information disseminated during a national presidential election. Presidents and candidates are limited to advertising and 'free' news spots. They are limited in the amount of time and coverage they can get. News conferences can help a president get exposure for a program or to promote a political stance, but television news can paint the portrayal with an opinionated slant. The news is not simply responding to a market and giving viewers 'what they want'; they are actively promoting a social agenda. During a recent national election, coverage varied widely from Fox to NBC to CBS. They varied in the amount of coverage on issues such as race and gender and according to Larson, "...although network news shows generally compete for the same audience, have the same operating procedures, and have similarly trained workers, their stories differed" (23). News presentation has the ability to focus attention on a given event and make the event important